
GitHub organisation

The link below redirects to the GitHub organisation that stores the source code for packages maintained by the core developers, as well as additional resources such as tutorials and workshops.

Bioconductor pages

The links below redirect to the web page for each package on the Bioconductor website.

Each page contains information and links to further resources for the latest version of each package available from Bioconductor.


The links below redirect either to the latest version of each package on the release branch if available, or the latest version on the development branch for recent package that have are not distributed on a release branch yet. For more information, see Using Bioconductor.

Online documentation (pkgdown)

The links below redirect to help pages and vignettes for the latest version of each package pushed to GitHub.


The latest version pushed to GitHub may be ahead of the latest version available on Bioconductor.


European Bioconductor Conference 2023

European Bioconductor Conference 2020

Bioconductor Conference 2020 Workshop

Bioconductor Conference 2019 Workshop


Extending iSEE

This book describes how to use the iSEE application programming interface (API) to develop new panel types for custom visualizations. The book also presents case studies to illustrate the development process for a variety of custom panels.


This new book (work in progress) aims to compile essential knowledge about iSEE, catering for three main groups of users:

  • End users interacting with the graphical user interface in their web browser.
  • Developers of scripted web-applications using iSEE to showcase data sets.
  • Developers of extensions contributing new functionality and packages to the iSEE ecosystem.


Our YouTube channel includes short videos showcasing iSEE apps in action.

Featured videos and playlists are listed on this page.