Utility functions to be used in a .cacheCommonInfo
method, usually to identify names of elements of the SummarizedExperiment for later use in .defineInterface
to populate the user interface.
.whichGroupable(x, max_levels = Inf)
.isAssayNumeric(se, i)
For .findAtomicFields
, a character vector of names of columns in x
containing atomic R types.
For .whichNumeric
, an integer vector containing the indices of the numeric columns.
For .whichGroupable
, an integer vector containing the indices of the categorical columns.
For .isAssayNumeric
, a logical scalar indicating whether the specified assay as numeric.
is necessary as many of the widgets used by iSEE
(e.g., ggplot
, datatable
) do not know how to handle more complex types being stored as columns.
Similarly, .whichNumeric
and .whichGroupable
can be used to specify options for visualization modes that only make sense for continuous or discrete variables respectively (e.g., sizing, faceting).