Retrieve the results of a previous .generateOutput call on this panel.

.retrieveOutput(panel_name, se, pObjects, rObjects)



String containing the panel name.


A SummarizedExperiment object containing the current dataset.


An environment containing global parameters generated in the iSEE app.


A reactive list of values generated in the iSEE app.


The output of running .generateOutput for the current panel. Several fields in pObjects are also modified as a side-effect.


This function should be used in the rendering expression in .renderOutput. It takes care of a number of house-keeping tasks required to satisfy .renderOutput's requirements, e.g., responding to .requestUpdate modifications to rObjects, setting the commands and contents and varname in pObjects.

This function will attempt to retrieve the cached output of .generateOutput if it was used elsewhere in the app. After retrieval, the cached value is wiped to ensure that it does not go stale. If no cached value is found, .generateOutput is called directly.

See also

.renderOutput, where this function should be called.

.generateOutput, which is called by this function.


Aaron Lun