Adjusted code to correctly parse and rename KEGG pathway identifiers.
iSEEu 1.11.1
Update ggplot2 imports for AggregatedDotPlot.
iSEEu 1.9.3
Fix numbering issue affecting the coloring of LogFCLogFCPlot panels.
iSEEu 1.9.2
Depend on the iSEEhex package to initiate the “iSEEverse”.
iSEEu 1.7.1
Fix bug causing .setCachedCommonInfo() to cache NULL value for valid.rowdata.names information of DynamicMarkerTable panel instead of empty character vector.
iSEEu 1.5.2
Fix bug causing AggregatedDotPlot to crash when a column selection was transferred.
Fix bug in retrieving a feature set
iSEEu 1.5.1
Fix spelling typo in man page.
iSEEu 1.3.5
Switch to registration for storing DE Panel options, via registerPValuePatterns and related functions.
iSEEu 1.3.4
Support in-memory feature set collections and their statistics via registerFeatureSetCollections.
iSEEu 1.3.3
Redistributed documentation from panel tours to UI-specific tours.
iSEEu 1.3.2
Tour-related patch to fix the builds for the time being.
iSEEu 1.3.1
Added the MarkdownBoard panel to show arbitrary Markdown-formatted content.
Eliminate duplicates in available fields, as these break selectizes.
iSEEu 1.1.9
Ensure that global parameters only affect panels during construction.
iSEEu 1.1.8
Added the AggregatedDotPlot panel to show marker-based dot plots.
iSEEu 1.1.7
Improved safety and correctness of the calculation of the number of DEGs.
iSEEu 1.1.6
Version bump to trigger reinstallation with new iSEE class definitions.
iSEEu 1.1.5
Added panel-specific tours for all panel classes via the .definePanelTour() generic.
iSEEu 1.1.4
Generalized the DE-related globals to work as patterns rather directly specifying the acceptable names.
Align DynamicMarkerTable’s treatment of getTableExtraFields() with the globals strategy.
iSEEu 1.1.3
Overhauled handling of global parameters for greater consistency.
Added the LogFCLogFCPlot to plot two DE comparisons against each other.
Switched to KEGGREST to get the names of pathways.
iSEEu 1.1.2
Replaced GeneSetTable with the more general FeatureSetTable. Improved handling of arbitrary feature sets.
Renamed DifferentialStatisticsTable to the more appropriate DynamicMarkerTable. Support inclusion of extra fields from the rowData.
Global parameters now only affect construction of MAPlots and VolcanoPlots.
iSEEu 1.1.1
Improved documentation of the ReducedDimensionHexPlot methods.