The DETable class is a RowTable subclass that is dedicated to creating a volcano plot. It retrieves the table of results for the selected differential expression contrast and creates an interactive table where each row represents a feature.
Slot overview
The following slots control the test procedure:
, a character scalar indicating the name of the contrast to display.RoundDigits
, a logical scalar indicating whether to round numeric values (seeSignifDigits
, an integer scalar indicating the number of significant digits to use for rounding numbers (seeRoundDigits
In addition, this class inherits all slots from its parent RowTable and Table classes.
x <- DETable()
#> Panel object of class DETable
#> Get or set individual parameters with ‘[[’
#> Available parameters:
#> ContrastName: NA
#> DataBoxOpen: FALSE
#> HiddenColumns:
#> PanelHeight: 500
#> PanelId: NA
#> PanelWidth: 4
#> RoundDigits: FALSE
#> RowSelectionDynamicSource: FALSE
#> RowSelectionSource: ---
#> Search:
#> SearchColumns:
#> Selected: NA
#> SelectionBoxOpen: FALSE
#> SignifDigits: 3
#> VersionInfo: list of length 1