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The PathwaysTable is a Panel where each row represents a set of features (i.e., rows). Selections in this panel can be transmitted to other row-oriented panels.


PathwaysTable() returns an object of class PathwaysTable.

Slot overview

The following slots control the test procedure:

  • ResultName, a character scalar indicating the name of the pathway analysis result to display.

In addition, this class inherits all slots from its parent Table and Panel class.


x <- PathwaysTable(ResultName="fgsea")
#> Panel object of class PathwaysTable
#>   Get or set individual parameters with ‘[[’ 
#>   Available parameters:
#>     ColumnSelectionDynamicSource: FALSE
#>     ColumnSelectionSource: ---
#>     DataBoxOpen: FALSE
#>     HiddenColumns: 
#>     PanelHeight: 500
#>     PanelId: NA
#>     PanelWidth: 4
#>     ResultName: fgsea
#>     RowSelectionDynamicSource: FALSE
#>     RowSelectionSource: ---
#>     Search: 
#>     SearchColumns: 
#>     Selected: NA
#>     SelectionBoxOpen: FALSE
#>     VersionInfo: list of length 1