class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # iSEE workshop - package and functionality ## European Bioconductor Meeting 2020 ###
Charlotte Soneson
Kevin Rue-Albrecht
Federico Marini
Aaron Lun
### 2020-12-16 (updated: 2020-12-17) --- layout: true <div class="my-header"><img src="img/stickers/iSEE.png" alt="OxfordiSEE logo" align="right" height="90%"></div> <div class="my-footer"><span> iSEE Workshop 2020          interactive SummarizedExperiment Explorer </span></div> --- # Structure of the session .pull-left[ ## Timeline <i class="far fa-clock"></i> This session is 90 minutes. - Introduction slides - Cloud workshop setup - Introduction to the GUI - Interactive exercises ] .pull-right[ ## Interact <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Slack [#isee]( <i class="fab fa-github-square"></i> Slides [GitHub Pages]( <i class="fab fa-github-square"></i> Workshop vignette [GitHub Pages]( <i class="fab fa-github"></i> GitHub [organization]( ] --- # <i class="fas fa-users"></i> The team <br/> <table> <tr> <td width="25%"><a href=""><img src="img/people/kevin-rue.jpg"></a></td> <td width="25%"><a href=""><img src="img/people/charlotte-soneson.png"></a></td> <td width="25%"><a href=""><img src="img/people/federico-marini.png"></a></td> <td width="25%"><a href=""><img src="img/people/aaron-lun.png"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center' width="25%">Kevin</td> <td align='center' width="25%">Charlotte</td> <td align='center' width="25%">Federico</td> <td align='center' width="25%">Aaron</td> </tr> </table> ??? This was a team effort! --- # <i class="fas fa-pencil-ruler"></i> Designed for Bioconductor <img src="img/stickers/biocstickers.jpg" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <> ??? iSEE tightly integrates with other packages of the Bioconductor project. --- # SingleCellExperiment <img src="img/OSCA/bioc-figures_v2-02.png" width="1412" height="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ ] ??? iSEE focuses on the SingleCellExperiment class. This class stores all the data and metadata associated with assays, cells, and features. --- # SingleCellExperiment usage in a workflow .pull-left[ - Data import (`DropletUtils`, `tximeta`) - Quality control (`scater`) - Normalization, feature selection (`scran`, `zinbwave`) - Dimensionality reduction (`BiocSingular`, `scater`, `zinbwave`) - Clustering (`SC3`, `clustree`) - Marker gene detection (`scran`, `scDD`) - Trajectory inference (`slingshot`) - Visualization (`iSEE`) - And much more... ] .pull-right[ <img src="img/OSCA/bioc-figures_v2-03.png" width="1960" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .right[ ] ] ??? The SingleCellExperiment class is designed to accomodate all the information produced along a typical single-cell analysis workflow. Those data include raw data: - raw assay data - experimental metadata Processed data: - quality control metrics - normalized data - dimensionality reduction results Downstream analyses: - cluster labels - differential expression results - downstream cell and feature annotations --- # iSEE <i class="fas fa-heartbeat"></i> SingleCellExperiment <img src="img/OSCA/OSCA-figure-4.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ ] ??? Here we demonstrate how iSEE dissects SCE objects to produce figures. --- # The iSEE interface <img src="img/screenshots/iSEE_screenshot.png" width="600px" height="500px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? iSEE provides a powerful yet flexible user interface that includes 8 predefined panel types. That said, it also gives the freedom to define any number custom panel types, both plots and tables. --- # <i class="fas fa-laptop"></i> Workshop <img src="img/misc/workshop.png" width="400px" height="200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ## To get started - Log in to []( - Choose the `iSEE: Interactive SummarizedExperiment Explorer` workshop and launch the RStudio session - In a separate tab, open the [pkgdown website]( - vignettes are available under 'Articles' ??? With that introduction to the user interface, let us head into the workshop! Generated by: <i class="fab fa-github"></i> [kevinrue/magick-profile]( - [Interface overview](, or `vignette('overview', 'iSEEWorkshopEuroBioc2020')` - [Exercises/"recipes"](, or, `vignette('recipes', 'iSEEWorkshopEuroBioc2020')`