An overview of the generics for defining the user interface (UI) for each panel as well as some recommendations on their implementation. Individual generics are described in further details in the sections below.

defineInterface(x, se, select_info)

defineDataInterface(x, se, select_info)

hideInterface(x, field)



an instance of a Panel class.


a SummarizedExperiment object containing the current dataset. This can be assumed to have been produced by running .refineParameters(x, se).


a list of two lists, single and multiple, each of which contains the character vectors row and column. This specifies the panels available for transmitting single/multiple selections on the rows or columns, see ?.multiSelectionDimension and ?.singleSelectionDimension for more details.


a string containing the name of a slot of x.


defineInterface: A list of iSEE::collapseBox() elements. See section "Defining the parameter interface" below for further details.

defineDataInterface: a list of UI elements for altering data-related parameters, which are automatically placed inside the “Data parameters” collapsible box. See section "Defining the data parameter interface" below for further details.

hideInterface: a logical scalar indicating whether the interface element corresponding to field should be hidden from the user. See section "Hiding interface elements" below for further details.


  • defineInterface(): defines the UI for modifying all parameters for a given panel.

  • defineDataInterface(): defines the UI for data-related (i.e., non-aesthetic) parameters.

  • hideInterface(): determines whether certain UI elements should be hidden from the user.

Defining the parameter interface

defineInterface(x, se, select_info) defines the UI for modifying all parameters for a given panel.

Methods for this generic are expected to return a list of iSEEwidgets::collapseBox() elements. Each parameter box can contain arbitrary numbers of additional UI elements, each of which is expected to modify one slot of x upon user interaction.

The ID of each interface element should follow the form of PANEL_SLOT where PANEL is the panel name (from .getEncodedName() and SLOT is the name of the slot modified by the interface element, e.g., "ReducedDimensionPlot1_Type". Each interface element should have an equivalent observer in .createObservers() unless they are hidden by hideInterface() (see section "Hiding interface elements" on this page).

It is the developer's responsibility to call callNextMethod() to obtain interface elements for parent classes. A common strategy is to combine the output of callNextMethod() with additional iSEE::collapseBox() elements to achieve the desired UI structure.

Defining the data parameter interface

defineDataInterface(x, se, select_info) defines the UI for data-related (i.e., non-aesthetic) parameters.

Methods for this generic are expected to return a list of UI elements for altering data-related parameters, which are automatically placed inside the “Data parameters” collapsible box. Each element's ID should still follow the PANEL_SLOT pattern described above.

This generic aims to provide a simpler alternative to specializing defineInterface() for the most common use case. New panels can write methods for this generic to add their own interface elements for altering the contents of the panel, without needing to reimplement other UI elements in the parent class's defineInterface() method. Conversely, there is no obligation to write a method for this generic if one is planning to specialize defineInterface().

It is the developer's responsibility to call callNextMethod() to obtain interface elements for parent classes.

It is the developer's responsibility to call callNextMethod() to hide the same interface elements as parent classes. This is not strictly required if one wishes to expose previously hidden elements.

Hiding interface elements

hideInterface(x, field) determines whether certain UI elements should be hidden from the user.

Methods for this generic are expected to return a logical scalar indicating whether the interface element corresponding to field should be hidden from the user. This is useful for hiding UI elements that cannot be changed or have no effect, especially in highly specialized subclasses where some concepts in the parent class may no longer be relevant. (The alternative would be to reimplement all of the parent's defineInterface() method just to omit a handful of UI elements!)


Aaron Lun, Kevin Rue-Albrecht


#> Function: defineInterface (package iSEEGenerics)
#> <No methods>

#> Function: defineDataInterface (package iSEEGenerics)
#> <No methods>

#> Function: hideInterface (package iSEEGenerics)
#> <No methods>